Design and Simulation of RB-1 Robotnik Mobile Robot Using URDF and ROS-Based Control
User-Friendly GUI Development for Robot Teleoperation and Monitoring
Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance with Turtlebot3 in Citylabs
Barista robot
Design and Development of a Simulated Barista cup holder robot model with URDF and XACRO
Multi robot chase
Robot chase game: Simulating Multi-Robot Pursuit Using ROS2 with TF Integration
Under the cart sim
Warehouse Shelf Attachment with RB1 Robot
Warehouse Mobile Robot Navigation System
Warehouse robotics
Enhanced Autonomous Navigation and Task Execution for Warehouse RB-1 Robot
Robotic Arm Pick & Place with Perception Integration
Implement control
ROS2 Control Integration for Differential Drive and Lifting Unit in Gazebo
Design eight trajectory with robot xl
Designing and Implementing the Kinematic Model of the ROSBot XL
Pid control in robot xl
PID Controller Design for Mobile Robot Navigation
Dijkstra algorithm